Shrihari Polyhouses is best polyhouse construction company ,manufacturer, supplier and service provider of wide range of Polyhouse and Greenhouse, Net House, Polyhouse Construction Services and much more. We also provide Irrigation System Service, Polyhouse Drip Irrigation Service, Polyhouse Construction Services. which is one of the leading Polyhouses construction company in India sinc 1995 .We have constructed over 2800 acres of Polyhouses in India and 25 Acres Internationally
The Polyhouse construction Services by Shrihari Polyhouses Pvt. Ltd. are based on the most advanced construction and agricultural technology. The company has taken into account the Indian environment and topology. The company is having a team of expert engineers and agronomist who are delivering the most profitable and Comprehensive solutions from last years.
A polyhouse is the most demanding kind of greenhouse with a structure made up of galvanised iron structure with covering material of UV stabilized polyfilm.
Polyhouse is a type of greenhouse where specialized polythene sheet is used as a covering material under which the crops can be grown in partially
or fully controlled climatic conditions. Traditionally, the greenhouses were constructed on wooden frames where the glass was used as a cladding material.
We Construct the best polyhouse describes as follows:-
- Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse construction services.
- Tunnel type Fan Pad Polyhouse.
- Shade Net House-Flat type.
- Shade Net House- Tunnel Type.
- Naturally Ventilated Poluhouse Model-Maxxivent
- International Naturally Ventilated Poluhouse